• Comprehensive End-of-Life Organisation

    Centralised Information: Estate Compass allows you to consolidate all your vital information in one convenient location, ensuring that nothing is overlooked.

    Document Management: Store essential documents such as your will, financial records, and medicadirectives, simplifying access for your family when needed most.

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  • Ensure Your Wishes are Known

    Conflict Prevention: Avoid potential conflicts by documenting and clarifying your end-of-life decisions.

    Honouring Your Legacy: Enable your family to keep your final wishes, making your legacy a source of comfort and understanding.

  • Financial Peace of Mind

    Asset & Account Accessibility: Estate Compass safeguards access to your bank accounts, insurance policies, and investment portfolios, ensuring financial stability for your loved ones.

    Debt & Loan Management: Clearly outline any outstanding debts or loans, helping your family manage your financial affairs efficiently.

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  • Ease the Burden on Your Loved Ones

    Streamlined Guidance: Provide clear instructions for your family, reducing their stress during a challenging time.

    Reduced Paperwork Overwhelm: Eliminate the need for your loved ones to navigate a sea of paperwork while grieving your loss.

  • Personal History Preservation

    Life Story Archive: Share your life story, family heritage, and cherished memories, ensuring your personal history lives on.

    Generational Heritage: Pass down your family's legacy for future generations to cherish.

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  • Digital Legacy Protection

    Secure Digital Assets: Safeguard access to your online accounts, passwords, and critical digital files, preserving your digital presence.

    Digital Footprints: Ensure that your digital legacy endures, a lasting testament to your life's journey

  • End-of-Life Arrangement Guidance

    Funeral & Memorial Planning: Include information on funeral plans, cemetery plots, and memorial wishes, easing the burden of decision-making for your loved ones.

    Healthcare Information: Provide details on medical conditions, medications, and providers, ensuring timely and informed medical care.

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  • Notification Planning

    Key Contacts: List key people to be notified in the event of your passing, streamlining communication during a challenging time.

    Obituary and Photo: Specify whether you'd like to write your own obituary and select a photo to be used, personalising your final farewell.

  • Legal Document Accessibility

    Powers of Attorney & Legal Paperwork: Ensure your family has easy access to powers of attorney, deeds, and other legal documents, simplifying the legal landscape.

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  • Flexible & Secure Storage Options

    Downloadable Guide: Estate Compass offers a downloadable PDF guide that you can keep securely or share with your loved ones. With Estate Compass, you're not just planning for the end; you're securing the future of your loved ones.

    Take the proactive step toward clarity, peace of mind, and organised end-of-life planning by downloading Estate Compass today. Act now, and empower your family to navigate the inevitable confidently and gracefully.

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