What is Estate Compass, and how does it work?

Estate Compass is a comprehensive end-of-life planning document that assists you in organising and sharing crucial information with your loved ones and beneficiaries. It provides a checklist and guidelines for end-of-life planning, from funerals, wills and financials to healthcare directives and digital legacies. You can download and fill it out manually and keep it safe.

Is Estate Compass Legally Binding?

Estate Compass is not a legally binding document. It serves as a guide to help you gather essential information and document your wishes. We recommend consulting with an attorney in your jurisdiction for legally binding documents like wills or powers of attorney.

Is Estate Compass Secure?

We take the security seriously, so we've created it as a downloadable file. We find that most people want to have this at their fingertips, in a place that's easily accessible for themselves and, in the event of their passing, their loved ones. We recommend printing the documents, getting a binder, and storing them there. How secure you make it in your home is totally up to you. 

How can I download Estate Compass?

 You can download the Estate Compass guide in PDF format from our website.

Can I share my completed Estate Compass document with family members or beneficiaries?

Absolutely. We encourage you to share your Estate Compass document with trusted family members, beneficiaries, or your designated representative. This ensures that your end-of-life wishes and important information are accessible to those who need them.

Do I need an attorney to complete Estate Compass?

Estate Compass is designed to be user-friendly and does not require legal expertise. However, for legal advice and assistance with creating legally binding documents such as wills, we recommend consulting with an attorney specialising in estate planning in your jurisdiction.

What information should I include in my Estate Compass document?

Estate Compass provides a comprehensive checklist covering a wide range of topics, including personal information, financial details, end-of-life wishes, healthcare directives, and more. You must decide what information is relevant to your situation and what you want to include.

Can I update my Estate Compass document over time?

Yes, we recommend reviewing and updating your Estate Compass document regularly, especially when significant life events occur, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or changes in financial circumstances. Ensuring that your document reflects your current wishes and information is essential.

What countries does Estate Compass cover?

Estate Compass is currently designed for Canada and Australia. USA and UK versions are being processed as we speak and are soon to be launched. That being said, while specific legal requirements may vary by jurisdiction, the document's general organisation and information-gathering aspects can be valuable worldwide.

We're Working on More Editions...

We've currently developed the Estate Compass for Australia and Canada which is where Susan, Katherine and Peter lives. We’re working on a US and UK edition and will soon release editions of the Estate Compass for New Zealand, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. You can choose to purchase the current editions as long as you are mindful of national differences in your country.